Nothing like the fall months deep into the forest or high into the hills to gather the abundance of the seasonal round, the ripening of the years bounty of the berry! Depending on the years conditions,
area and time of the season. The abundance can be found. If you know where and what to look for. Some years being sparse, others, limbs are loaded with the weight of the crop!
Graciously given! Here the harvest of a long time friend “Vaccinium” this one the Huckelberry!
If you can keep from eating everyone you pick. They can be enjoyed anyway you use them.
I have used them in jams and syrups in sourdough pancakes, pancakes, over Icecream even dried stored or frozen.
I have used them in pine nut muffins, bread and even in bannock.
Satcha In the forest gathering Huckelberries.
They can also be dried and added to pemmican!
Nothing like the Huckleberry harvest, the fresh mountain air, the wonderful smell of the huckleberries, fingers and lips dyed purple from sampling and gathering are like a badge of honor! Definitely one of the best “Outinit” activities.
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