My Clan!
For all the awesome help! both in life and with this project!
For badgering me into the creation of this site and inspiring me to do more of what I’ve been doing for so long!
might as well I can’t quit I’m infected….
Weaver Of The River! many thanks! more than I can say here! and for showing Matt how fast u can Bust A Coal!
Matt for blacksmithing and many other things and for learning the handdrill! blisters well earned!!!
Jason and Fred for many hunting, fishing, camping and trapping trips and all the vicious rumors about them!
Fred for getting Outinit with me and for all the rocks! Here comes a rock!!!!
Jannika for your Super Mad Skills in Design! And for toughing it out just like me! Keep Keeping on!
Thanks to Talia for editing help in refining Ideas and making my ideas comprehensible!
Everyone for putting up with meadow muffins and swamp biscuits!
Mom who made me eat cheesy wheels “Mallows” and many other things too numerous to account here, that truly started me on this path.
Dad for teaching me to fish!
My family my Wife and awesome kids who have had to deal with Mike in 2 worlds “mike now and mike 900 years ago!
Also for learning and teaching these skills to others as well!
The rest of U! U know who you are!
Nancy In Yosemite!
U All Rock!
And are much better than I deserve!
Deep Red Smoke!