Thank you to everyone that spent the day with us learning skills and having fun! It was great to see all of you again!
Category: Fire Skills
Winter time fun!
Going back a few years! Break in the winter weather, time to play. Get out for a bit to hike and make some lunch high on a cliff. Warmed by the winter sun. melting the snow away! In winter the southern exposed canyon sides (North side of any canyon with a slope that faces the…
Getting Corny!
Corn (Maize) has been on the menu for quite some time now. Thousands of years ago it started out much smaller. Eventually through hybridization becoming what we recognize as corn today. Many, many uses for this ancient staple.. I would like to show you now one way I like to prepare it. I have used…
May 19th 2018 Fire Class
Thanks for an awesome Badgerstick fire class !!! We had many return to hone their skills and new students that got their first fire!!! Lots of other fun to be had and good times hanging out together!!! Here are some of the B.S.certificates that were awarded to class students!!!
May 20th 2017 Fire Class
Thanks to everyone who showed up and put up their awesome effort to both learn and hone their fire skills! Super fun class!!! I hope to see you and everyone else who missed it or could not make it next year!!! DeepRedSmoke Here are the B.S. Certificates from Badgerstick May 20th Fire Class!!! …
Way back a good day in the high desert
Photo by Adrian Way lucky to be able to get “Outinit” apply skills, teach and share memories with family enjoying what this earth has to offer! Awesome day in the high desert we found this dome! Way cool! I think I know who made this! This Dome completely covered with tarps is a sweat…
Way smarter than you! I have matches!
Over and over in my classes and demonstrations there is always someone that feels the need to tell me they would just go to the store and get some matches. I’m with you, I get it! It’s not like friction fires are easy! We are most certainly way past spoiled and totally take everything we have…
Rocking the bowdrill fire set!
Busting a coal in the hills, to see the video grab the link below. bowdrillbustingacoal1 Hot summers day by the creek. Rocking the bow drill set! I took way too long to bust this coal. Still I never get tired of this. Love the sound of the creek and the wildlife…
Pine on pine
Pine on pine, I don’t think so, and many other things that don’t work. Hands on learning that’s how it becomes a skill. If you do it enough (“practice”) you know what it does. Do it once cool! Do it ten times better… a hundred and more, you get to the point were you own…
How to make a blister
Composite handrill and glowing ember. Never give up! If you are determined to accomplish something, you will fail so many times. You will learn things not to do because you know the outcome. So you adjust your approach you try something a little different each time. The many times you’ve tried so frustrated aching hands and blistered…