Category: MIXED BAG

Knot 4 you!!

    Hand made netting gauges and needles.   Hand made netting needles.   Real Men Don’t Knit!! They Knot!! Many knots are very useful and the specific way they can be used is gained by their application. Many old-time net makers refer to the net making process using the term to “knit” a net!!   . Most knitting is…

About a way!

If you put things into perspective and train simply the things you arrive at are not overly complicated. You can not expend more than you receive, not for very long anyway. Primitive methods of gathering and harvesting are tried and true. They work and are very efficient – most of them are illegal to use or very…

Atlatl Classes

The Atlatl is an ancient hunting tool. It was used all over the world. It’s still being used in some remote areas of the globe today. In some states it is legal to use the atlatl to hunt deer, wild hogs, (Javelinas) wild turkeys and other large game. It is also used for spear fishing. It has variations…